Sunday, 10 March 2013

Barbara Smith is coming to the Coast!

26th March
Venue: Kaiata Hall, Golf Links Road, Kaiata
Contact: Rose
Cost: $15.00 per family, $5.00 per session
From 9:15am Registration and viewing of stalls
9:30-10:30am Getting Started and Keeping Going in Home Education 
10:30-11am Morning Tea (view stalls)
11-11:15am State of the Nation- What can we be doing?
11:15am-12:30pm Avoiding burnout: Keeping going when the going gets tough
12:30-1pm Shared Lunch – bring along something to share with everyone
1-2:30pm: “Training Our Children’s minds”, “The Tools of Learning” and “Motivation”
2:30-3:00pm Break (view stalls)
3:00-4:00pm Home Educating Through Secondary and Preparing For Tertiary Education and the Workforce
4 pm       Questions, panel of locals if keen

Barbara will be available to chat on the afternoon of the 27th in Hokitika at Samuel & Kim's.  She will also speak in the evening on the political situation.

Christina Green is coming to the Coast next week!

Christina GreenAs a Mum and now a grandmother I appreciate how quickly that window of opportunity to equip, support and teach our children goes by. It is an old age saying 'Make the most of it'.
This is so true. Children grow up and leave home before we know it.
My husband Ray and myself have four adult children. Our family is expanding. We now have two daughters-in-law and one son-in-law. The icing on the cake are our seven wonderful grandchildren. We are looking forward to many more grandchildren and intend to indulge in every opportunity to have fun with them. We have thoroughly enjoyed every stage and age of our family and have always endeavored to appreciate the moment with each one of them.
My professional background is firmly grounded in education. Over the last 30 years I have taught both primary and secondary ages, I have taught in State schools, Area schools, Private schools, Christian Schools and of course, Home schooled.
As a teacher I have had responsibility for a large number of students each with a wide range of backgrounds, abilities, attitudes and needs.
As a mother I knew each of my four children were significant individuals in their own right and I wanted the best education for each and every one of them.
Providing Quality Education Resources is a significant responsibility. Meeting the individual needs, individual interests and individual aspirations of all our children is an adventure. As parents this adventure can be daunting and overwhelming at times, but it can also be amazing.
The selection of quality Christian Educational resources has never been better. CES provides a vast range of resources for parents and students of all ages. Resources that will equip and motivate a love of learning, meet those academic goals and above all, develop a love of learning and appreciation of God and all his workmanship.
No matter what the learning or teaching style, whether in the home or classroom, I know that resources are important but the quality of them is crucial.
I look forward supplying curriculum that will help you as parents go from strength to strength in providing a quality educational program for each of your children.

Christina Green