Thursday, 30 April 2015

Hearing and vision

Hearing and Vision testing will be available for homeschoolers in Hokitika on Monday, 11th of May, from 9.10am onwards at the Church of Christ Hall on Stafford Street.
Please ring Rachel G

West Coast Home Educators

Conference, Thursday 14th May

1:30 Registrations
1:45 Welcome and Introductions
2:00-3:30 What elective would you like here? Barbara or Samuel or Suzannah's at this stage
3:30-4:00 afternoon tea
4.00-5.00 Suzannah "Finishing the Race: How Home Education Prepared Me for Life"?
5:00-7:00 Dinner break where people can either go home to have dinner or bring a shared dinner
7:00-8.00 Barbara "State of the Nation" and encouragement
8:00-8:30ish Q&A

There will be a resource table and 2nd hand tables for people to bring surplus curriculum to browse during the breaks

West Coast Home Educators