Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Fwd: FW: ski week

Hello Everyone,
     Below are the details if anyone is interested in the Ski Week.  Please note that you do NOT have to be enrolled in the Correspondence School to join in and it is still really good value.  Aside of the Ski fees, each family has to pay an annual joining fee
of $20 to be officially a member or friend of the "Correspondence School Parent's Assn Canterbury Branch".   If you  are interested,
please reply directly to Neroli Davidson at woolshednz@xtra.co.nz.
Thank you,
 Rose Burrell.

Hello Everyone,
Haven't got you all in a group so not sure if I have missed anyone or not.  If you think you know someone on Correspondence that has been missed please pass on this information.  Ski week is 23-28 August.  Can you please let me know by return email if you are interested.  Subsidy for Correspondence students is $270 which is 5 days skiing.  Subsidy for non Correspondence will be $150.  $14 per night for Accomodation and $10 per day for the food.  Approx cost for 5 days skiing food and accomodation for correspondence students is $370 less subsidy $270 cost $100.  Regards Neroli

West Coast Home Educators

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